My  internship with Biosean Whale Watching and Marine Science in Tenerife, Spain

My  internship with Biosean Whale Watching and Marine Science in Tenerife, Spain

Biosean news, Internship
My  internship with Biosean Whale Watching and Marine Science in Tenerife, Spain By Maya Baker For the past 2 months, I have been able to experience the wonderful lifestyle of living on the beautiful Island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain. For my Latitudes semester, I chose to do my internship with Biosean, where they focus on whale watching and marine science. The daily tours Almost every day interns were out on the boat helping collect data and guide whale watching tours. The data collection mainly focused on studying the behaviors and use of habitats of cetaceans in the area and the human impact due to boat traffic in the marine protected area. Almost every tour we would see an animal. The most common animals we saw were short-finned…
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